تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية : عبارات أمريكية متداولة.

American idioms used by native speakers

get to the heart of the matter” means for someone to discuss the most important details of something

 أدخل في صلب الموضوع
  • I don’t have a lot of time to speak with you so please get to the heart of the matter as quickly as possible.
take it for granted” means for someone to think someone or something will always be in existence

 يستعمل هذا التعبير حينما شخص يعتقد أن شيئ أو شخص ما سيظل موجود أو متوفر دائما. لا يقدر قيمة الشيئ أو الشخص حتى يفقده
  • I wish I didn’t take my grandparents for granted thinking I would some day have time to visit them because they both passed away last year.
work up an appetite” means for someone to become hungry more quickly due to physical activity

 عندما يقول شخص هذا التعبير فإنه يعني بذلك أنه أصبح يشعر بالجوع نظرا لمجهود بدني قام به.
  • I really worked up an appetite raking leaves in the yard for 2 hours.
not out of the woods” means for someone to still be in danger

 لا زال في حالة حرجة ، في مرحلة الخطر
  • My mom told me my aunt’s surgery went well but she’s not out of the woods yet.
think out of the box” means for someone to find a new way of doing something by looking at it in a new way

 شخص يفكر خارج الصندوق بمعنى شخص مبدع و يجد طرق و أفكار غير تقليدية و مبتكرة
  • All great inventors such as Nicola Tesla and Marie Curie had to think out of the box to make great discoveries.

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