أهم وأشهر قطع الريدينق في اختبار ستيب

أهم وأشهر قطع الريدينق في اختبار ستيب STEP test، واختبار ستيب هو اختبار الكفايات في اللغة الإنجليزية، ويكون الاختبار مكون من 100 سؤال اختيار من متعدد، ويكون المائة سؤال مقسمين على أربع أجزاء هم : 40 بالمائة من الأسئلة فهم المقروء، و 30 بالمائة من الأسئلة لقياس التراكيب النحوية، و 20 بالمائة من الأسئلة فهم المسموع، و 10 بالمائة من الأسئلة للتحليل الكتابي .

أهم وأشهر قطع الريدينق في اختبار ستيب

أهم وأشهر قطع الريدينق في اختبار ستيب هي :

القطعة الأولى

The octopus is a strange yet awesome creature of the sea. There are about 50 kinds of them. They range from 3 inches (7 centimeters) to 10 feet (3 meters) long. The larger ones can weigh at 70 pounds (32 kilograms).
Octopuses look and behave similarly. They all have 8 arms. Suckers run up and down each arm. The larger ones are quite strong. They can grab a full grown man and drag him down to the bottom of the sea.

The octopus is actually a predator in the sea, but not the one that hunts for people. It feeds on a variety of sea creatures, such as crabs. It generally drops down onto the seabed, trapping crabs. It hunts by shooting out a poison into the water to shock the crab and uses its beak to crack the shell of the crab and eat the meat. Apart from crabs, octopuses also eat other types of shellfish like abalone.

Octopuses swim and walk on the very ends of their arms like they’re dancing. Their bodies move fluidly because they have no bones. They can hide on the rocks by changing their colors. When they are at risk, they shoot out a spray of purple ink and take off. And if they lose one of their arms, another one will grow back.

القطعة الثانية

Dates, one of the oldest cultivated crops, grow on a date palm tree. Dates grow in large bunches atop the palm trees, which thrive in hot climates. The fruits range in size from 1 to 3 inches and range in color from pale yellow to a dark red-brown. Dates harvested at the yellow stage require further ripening before they can be properly preserved. Fully ripe, dark-colored dates are ready for preservation as soon as they are harvested.

To describe the advantages of dates in a few words, it is good to quote them as an essential part of one’s diet, so that it can be considered as a balanced diet. Dates are composed of various fats, sugar, vitamins, and minerals, which our body requires. Arabs, for example, eat dates along with milk—making it more beneficial. However, a few of its advantages are described below. Although dates are rich in providing strength to everybody, but during the last months of pregnancy the advantages are doubled—dates strengthen muscles of the uterus. Dates also strengthen a weak heart

Dates are rich in fibers and one can easily digest them. Researchers showed that dates can also be helpful in curing certain abdominal diseases including abdominal cancer. Normally, it is observed that one may feel hungry if sugar levels are reduced in the body irrespective of the condition of the stomach. dates can well serve the purpose, because these provide energy. some other advantages of eating dates include treating constipation, prevention against night blindness and improving health of eyes.

القطعة الثالثة

The U.S. space program run by NASA began exploring the planet Mars in the 1960. There is a
great deal of scientific interest in Mars because it is next to Earth in the solar system. Earth is the third planet from the Sun, while Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. Mars has two small moons. Mars, commonly, referred to as “the red planet” because it appears a reddish- orange or rust color. Its reddish color comes from the high amounts of iron oxide on its surface

Like the Earth, Mars revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. This oval orbit of Mars is more
stretched out than the oval orbit of Earth. It takes Mars 687 Earth days to make one revolution around the Sun. One year on Mars is equal to almost two years on Earth. One day on Mars is about 24.5 hours long

Mars has a thin atmosphere that contains about half as much oxygen as Earth’s atmosphere
and most of its atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide. Sometimes Mars has thin clouds made of frozen carbon dioxide and can also have fog and haze. The surface of Mars is extremely cold, hundreds of degrees F below zero.

There has long been speculation concerning the possibility of life and or liquid water on Mars. However, the planet’s thin atmosphere prevents water from accumulating for any time. Strong solar winds and poor heat transfer across its surface would make sustained life virtually impossible.

القطعة الرابعة

Chocolate –– there’s nothing quite like it, is there? Chocolate is simply delicious. What is chocolate? Where does it come from? Christopher Columbus was probably the first to take cacao beans from the New World to Europe in around 1502. But the history of chocolate goes back at least 4,000 years! The Aztecs, who lived in America, thought that their bitter cacao drink was a divine gift from heaven. In fact, the scientist Carolus Linnaeus named the plant Theobroma, which means “food of the gods.”

The Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez went to America in 1519. He visited the Mexican emperor Montezuma. He saw that Montezuma drank cacao mixed with vanilla and spices. Cortez took some cacao home as a gift to the Spanish King Charles. In Spain, people began to drink Cortez’s chocolate in a drink with chili peppers. However, the natural taste of cacao was too bitter for most people. To sweeten the drink, Europeans added sugar to the cacao drink. As a sweet drink, it became more popular. By the 17th century, rich people in Europe were drinking it. 3. In 1849, an English chocolate maker made the first chocolate bar. In the19th century, the Swiss started making milk chocolate by mixing powdered milk with sweetened chocolate. Milk chocolate has not changed much since this process was invented.

Today, two countries – Brazil and Ivory Coast – produce almost half the world’s chocolate. The United States imports most of the chocolate in the world, but the Swiss eat the most chocolate per person. The most chocolate eaten today is sweet milk chocolate, but people also eat white chocolate and dark chocolate.

Cocoa and dark chocolate are believed to help prevent heart attacks, or help keep them from happening. They are supposed to be good for the circulatory system. Other health claims for chocolate have not been proven, but some research shows that chocolate could be good for the brain.

Chocolate is a popular holiday gift. A popular Valentine’s Day gift is a box of chocolate candies with a card and flowers. Chocolate is sometimes given for Christmas and birthdays. Chocolate eggs are sometimes given at Easter.

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