بحث عن اليوم الوطني 90 السعودي بالانجليزي لعام 1442

بحث عن اليوم الوطني 90 السعودي بالانجليزي لعام 1442؛ يعد اليوم الوطني  أحد أهم الأحداث الوطنية التي تحتفل فيها البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم كتعبير عن الحاجة للحفاظ على جميع مفاهيم الوحدة والود والسلام بين أفراد المجتمع ، والتعبير عن حبهم لبعضهم البعض وتعبير عن قيادتهم الجيدة.

بحث عن اليوم الوطني 90 السعودي بالانجليزي لعام 1442

بعض الدول لها يوم وطني واحد ، والبعض الآخر يحتفل بيومين وأكثر ، وغالبًا ما يكون هذا يوم عطلة عامة لجميع الموظفين في البلاد. في معظم البلدان ، يصادف تاريخ استقلالها.

شاهد أيضًا : تعبير جديد عن اليوم الوطني السعودي 90 لعام 1442 للهجرة

بحث عن اليوم الوطني 90

وسنتكلم في هذا المقال بحث عن اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي ، عن تاريخه وما حدث فيه وما يفعله الشعب والحكومة في هذا اليوم[1].

شاهد أيضًا : قصة عن اليوم الوطني السعودي قصيرة 90 – 1442

بحث قديم عن اليوم الوطني  لعام 89 السعودي بالانجليزي لعام 1441 :

• National Day is one of the most important national events in which countries around the world celebrate as an expression of the need to preserve all the concepts of unity, friendliness, peace and brotherhood between the members of society,and to express their love for each other and their good leadership.

• Some countries have one national Day, others have two and more .This is often a public holiday for all employees in the country. In most countries, it marks the date of its independence

• The importance of this national day stems from reminding the new generations of all the achievements of their predecessors, and keen to instill cultural values in the hearts of young generations to move forward in the same steps, and to provide the best picture of their country in all international forums, and to raise awareness about the need to preserve national unity

• The activities of the national day differ from state to state, according to the customs of each country, where the governments of some countries are launching official national celebrations, Through which the flags are raised on all government institutions, and requests the people to participate in these events, While some other countries declare this day as an official holiday for all institutions in the State, whether public or private

• The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that have a national day in which the celebrations are announced from the east to the west and from north to south. On this day, all the regions of Saudi Arabia, including cities, villages and tribes, were united, and the name of Saudi Arabia was declared. Saudi Arabia on the twenty-third of September of each year, where this date was determined in particular after the issuance of a royal decree by King Abdul Aziz Al Saud – God’s mercy -, and that was on the date of the seventeenth of Jumada I of 1351 AH.

• On January 15, 1902, King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman bin Faisal Al Saud was able to restore Riyadh, the capital of his predecessors, the founders of the second Saudi state, and return his family to it. After the recapture of Riyadh, King Abdul Aziz continued armed struggle for more than thirty years in order to unite his kingdom, and was able to unite many areas including: South Najd, Sudair and Al-Washem in 1320 AH / 1902 AD, then Qassim in 1322 AH / 1904 AD, then Al-Ahsa years. 1331 AH / 1913 AD, up to Asir in 1338 AH / 1919 AD, and Hail in 1340 AH 1921 AD. Until Abdul Aziz was able to annex the Hijaz area between 1343 AH and 1344 AH corresponding to the year 1925, and in 1349 AH / 1930 AD was completed unification Jazan.

• On the seventeenth of the month of Jumada I 1351 AH corresponding to the nineteenth of the month of September 1932 AD issued a royal order to declare the unification of the country and name it as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as of Thursday 21 Jumada I 1351 AH, corresponding to 23 September 1932 (the first of the balance).

• Saudi Arabia celebrates the National Day of Unification of the Kingdom on 23 September each year. Date The date to the royal holdings issued in Arabic No. 2716, and the date of 17 Jumada I 1351 AH, and requires the transfer of the name of the state (Kingdom of Hejaz and Najd and accessories) to Saudi Arabia, starting on Thursday 21 Jumada I 1351 AH corresponding to the first of the balance and meet the day 23 September 1932.

A series of National Day events

• The activities of the national day differ from one country to another depending on the customs and customs of each country.

• The governments of some countries inaugurate the official national celebrations, raise flags on all government institutions, and ask the public to participate in these events.

• Today is an official holiday for all institutions in the State, whether public or private sector institutions

• We view each year’s National Day to the Queen brings to mind this important historical event and remains the first of the balance of his days in 1352 etched in the memory of history inscribed in the mind and conscience of the Saudi citizen how not to …. The day that united the King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman, may God bless this great diaspora and referred the division and rivalry to the unity and fusion and integration. In these days of our country living atmosphere of this anniversary aromatic (National Day), a suitable immortal and reconsider where generations aware of the great story of the secretariat’s leadership …. And meet the people and the inspiration of stories of heroism which line had the founder of this country, King Abdul Aziz “Allah’s mercy” which has the grace of God and in his wisdom and statesmanship to change the course of history and led his country and its people to unity, development and prosperity hold on to his faith fixed on religion and values.

• The Government has been the kingdom since its creation, the dissemination of science and education of children of the nation and the interest in science, arts and culture and attention to encourage scientific research and maintenance of Arab and Islamic heri***e and its contribution to Arab and Islamic civilization, humanity and built for schools, colleges and universities and the role of science. What has preceded the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in all fields and refer specifically to health .. We have seen the Kingdom renaissance major health has become a byword and took the causes of modern technology in a program linking the Kingdom’s hospitals medical centers and specialized university via satellite around the clock, which increases the accessibility of knowledge and the easy use of the views of other medical enable the diagnosis of some cases that may be in previously requiring a hard journey for such services.


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